The History. The Hands. The Harvest!

VQA Harvest 0616_resizedJune 11, 2016 – SOGAA today participated in the first harvest of the crops planted earlier this spring at the Victorine Q Adams Organic Community Garden.

The Victorine Q. Adams Memorial Garden primary mission is promoting positive community development and interaction of all residents. This is achieved through planning, open resident communication, participation and open land usage for the overall good of all members and associates.

The location of this garden is at the rear of the south side of 3201 Carlisle Ave and the north east side of Vickers Rd. It is districted as Baltimore City lots 19 and 20. These city lots have been adopted by The 3200 Carlisle Block Association under terms of a yearly lease through Baltimore City Housing Authority. Our mailing address is PO Box 6988, Baltimore, Maryland 21216. To support the VQA community garden visit:!victorine-q-adams-community-garden/csbv

#SOGAA #BIBFF #ReelUnity #VictorineQAdams #Communiuy #Garden #Baltimore #3200Carlisle #UNITY #Truebrotherlylove

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